

ABCD allows working in different dialog languages. Each language has its set of messages and labels defined in a sub-folder placed in the databases folder, whose name will correspond to the code with which the language is identified in the file :


The active language is set in the config.php through the $lang parameter whose value must correspond to a code from those existing in the table



It will enable the home page in Spanish and the menu to change the language will be displayed

If the installation contemplates multiple database folders , the parameter $msg_path of config.php allows to define a single path for access to the message files, regardless of the selected database folder. The database folders may not have the lang subfolder since it will be located through the path indicated in $msg_path .

In addition to the active languages, there is a folder with virtual language 00 , which corresponds to the universe of messages recognized by ABCD. If an option is created or modified, the corresponding labels and messages will be added in language 00 . In this way, if a message has not been translated into a specific language, it will be taken from the 000 folder .

To manage the dialog language, the scripts located in central/lang are used .

Create a new dialog language

  1. Copy the 00 folder and rename it with the code to use for the new language
  2. Translate to the corresponding language
  3. Add the new language to the new language table
  4. Add the new language to the table of existing languages

To translate the new messaging you can use Translate Messages and Labels within the ABCD Administration options. You can also use a text file editor taking into account that you should not alter under any circumstances the amount that is displayed before the = sign of the table, since this value represents the internal code with which the message is referenced in the scripts. required.