Linguagem de formato CISIS

A linguagem de formato CISIS é constituida de uma série de comandos e funcões que permitem a formatação do conteúdo dos campos de dados de bases de dados na tela.

É uma linguagem poderosíssima, e com ela, se torna possível a apresentação do conteúdo de cada registro de uma base de dados na ordem e aparência desejada, principalmente se mesclada com HTML e CSS.

É imprescindível que o bibliotecário domine esta linguagem para que possa criar qualquer tipo de relatório ou apresentações a partir de qualquer uma das bases de dados.

A formatação de registros, pressupõe do bibliotecário, o conhecimento do número de identificação de cada campo de dados que compõe cada registro da base de dados a ser formatada.

Veja abaixo os comandos e suas formas de usar.


  1. Linguagem de formato CISIS
  2. A Linguagem de Formatação para apresentação de valores REF
  3. Estrutura da Listagem de Referência
  4. Caracteres % # ‘’ “” || () / /* @
    1. # - nova linha incondicional
    2. % - cancela linha em branco
    3. “string” - literal condicional
    4. ‘string’ - unconditional literal
    5. |string| - repeatable conditional literal
    6. (format) - repeatable group
    7. / - conditional newline
    8. /*string*/ - comment
    9. @ - include format file
  5. A
    1. a(field selector) - absence check
  6. B
    1. break - conditional branching/quitting
  7. C
    1. c - column
    2. cat(file) - dump file
    3. continue - repeatable conditional branching
  8. D
    1. d - dummy field selector
    2. date date(keyword) - current date
    3. rmax(string) - maximum value of expression
    4. rmin(string) - minimum value of expression
    5. rsum(string) - sum of expression
  9. S
    1. s(expression) - string
    2. select … case … elsecase … endsel - conditional branch control
    3. size(string) - string size
    4. system(expression) - system call
  10. T
    1. type(string) - string type
  11. V
    1. v - field selector
    2. val(string) - string to value
  12. X
    1. x - spacing

A Linguagem de Formatação para apresentação de valores REF

Esta é de longe a mais importante função da Linguagem de Formatação: especificando exatamente quais dados precisam ser tomados e como serão “exibidos” ou “impressos” (para a tela, para uma impressora, para um arquivo, para uma página da web ). Existem documentos separados para lidar com esta linguagem extensa, por exemplo, o capítulo dedicado no Manual de Referência ISIS, publicado pela UNESCO (Junho de 2004, capítulo 8, p. 94-122).

Basicamente, existem três tipos de declarações na LF ISIS: a) valores de campos, dados como: Vx, onde “V” representa o valor (ou “conteúdo”) de um campo com a tag “x”, Vx^a é o valor de um subcampo (^a), do campo x e (Vx/) é o conjunto de todas as ocorrências do campo x separados por uma “nova linha” (/), desde que o parêntese abrace um “grupo repetitivo” de instruções para serem aplicadas a todas as ocorrências (campos repetitivos são uma característica forte e especial do ISIS). b) literais ou strings, que podem ser ‘incondicionais’ (aspas simples), |condicionais| (barras verticais – pipes - indicam que a string só será produzida se o campo relacionado está presente) e “repetitivo” (aspas duplas só irá produzir a string na primeira ocorrência de um campo repetitivo). Aplicativos ISIS na web, como o ABCD, criam páginas web com tags HTML, utilizando este método de acrescentar literais aos valores dos campos, por exemplo,

    '<table><tr><td>' Vx '</td><td>' Vy '</td></tr></Table>'

Irá exibir respectivamente os campos X e Y em duas colunas de uma tabela em HTML. Note que todos os códigos HTML são cotados (como incondicionais) e os valores extraídos dos campos da base de dados são inseridos referindo-se a eles com a instrução V.

  1. comandos, que podem ser de diferentes tipos, por exemplo:
  • comandos de Modo: mhl/u (modo cabeçalho em minúsculas/maiúsculas), mdl (modo de dados maiúsculas/minúsculas) ou mpl/u (modo de revisão maiúsculas/minúsculas);

  • em ambientes Windows): comandos de definição de atributos de tela (cores, fontes, caixas) ou links (solicitando ao sistema operacional para abrir outros dados, por exemplo, dados multimídia referenciados em um registro), por exemplo:

LINK (‘clique aqui para o texto integral’, OPENFILE Vx) irá pedir - quando o usuário clica no texto de hiperlink, ‘clique aqui para o texto integral’ - ao Windows para abrir o arquivo cujo nome está em Vx, com o aplicativo Windows associado à extensão do arquivo;

  • o comando REF, que pode recuperar dados de outros registros (no mesmo ou em outra base de dados quando expressamente referenciada), permitindo implementar semi-relações em aplicações ISIS (mas com a vantagem de que a relação é estabelecida apenas em tempo de execução, quando requerida), por exemplo,

REF(['users']) L(['users']V2),V1)

recuperará o valor do campo 1 no banco de dados ‘usuários’ se a função L(ookup) tiver encontrado o valor do campo 2 (no banco de dados real) no índice do banco de dados de usuários, para que o MFN do registro possa ser identificado.

  • declarações de roteamento condicional

'IF...THEN... (ELSE....)FI'

ou mesmo o

SELECT [case1 case2...] ELSE- CASE... ENDSEL

podem ser usadas para aplicar declarações de formatação somente aos valores do banco de dados que atendam a determinadas condições.

  • no ambiente CISIS declarações extras da LF estão disponíveis, o mais importante é um comando que realmente irá processar um registro para alterar o conteúdo dos campos. A sintaxe geral é:

    onde x ou y pode ser qualquer um dos seguintes: 'Dxxx'(para apagar o campo com tag xxx)

  • |Axx#|value|#| (para agregar o valor xx ao campo)

  • As funções, principalmente para operações de “strings” (por exemplo, substr, tamanho, valor) ou numéricas (por exemplo, rmin rmax, rsum …);

Estrutura da Listagem de Referência

Suporte: Se Padrão, significa que comando/função tem o mesmo uso/resultado tanto no ISIS quanto no CISIS. Se CISIS for especificado, significa que está disponível somente em CISIS. As funções que são aprimoradas no CISIS, são apresentadas com a notação Standard/CISISIS. (item sempre presente)

Tipo de função: Especifica o tipo do valor de retorno da função. Os possíveis valores são: Boolean, String e Numeric. (item só aplicável às funções)

Sintaxe: Notação formal do uso do comando/função. (item sempre presente)

Definição: Exposição do uso do comando/função.

Componentes: Exposição de características adicionais do comando/função.

Notas: Esclarece particularidades, restrições e/ou diferenças entre ISIS e CISIS.

Exemplos: Provê um ou mais exemplos de uso do comando/função.

Veja também: Lista comandos e funções relacionadas.

Caracteres % # ‘’ “” || () / /* @

# - nova linha incondicional

Suporte: Standard


Definição: Salta para a linha seguinte incondicionalmente.


#,("address:"v3(9,9)+|;  |#),
(|Name:  |v1^n,c20,|Surname:|v1^s/),###,

Veja também:

/ [conditional newline]

% [reset blank line]

% - cancela linha em branco

Suporte: Standard Sintaxe: % Definition:

Cancela as linhas em branco prévias, se houver.


|Name: |v1^n,c20,|Surname:|v1^s,###,%,/,

Veja também:

/ [conditional newline]

# [unconditional newline]

“string” - literal condicional

Suporte: Standard


"<text>"<field selector>"<text>"
	"<text>"<dummy field (selector)>
"<text>"<not present>

Definition: Outputs the text between the quotes only if <field selector>,<dummy field (selector)> or <not present> evaluates to TRUE. Both prefix and suffix literals can be placed together when using , and data field content is also output. If combined with `<dummy field (selector)>`, output is generated if data field is present. If combined with ``, outputs only if data field is absent.

Notes: <text> is produced only once, independing on repeatable fields.


"Author: "v1^a,
"this text outputs if data field 10 is present"d10,
"this text outputs if data field 10 is absent"n5,

See also: ‘string’ [unconditional literal] |string| [repeatable conditional literal] d [dummy field selector] n [not present] v [field selector]

‘string’ - unconditional literal

Suporte: Standard

Sintaxe: '<text>'

Definition: Unconditionally outputs the text contained between a single quotes pair.

Notes: Unconditional literals may be placed anywhere in a format and can be passed as parameters to functions.


this text will always output',
'Name: ',v1/,

See also: “string” [conditional literal] |string| [repeatable conditional literal]

|string| - repeatable conditional literal

Suporte: Standard


|<text>|<+><field selector><+>|<text>|

Definition: Outputs the text between the vertical bars for each occurrence of a repeatable field, only if field selector evaluates to TRUE. Combined with a repeatable field, command behavior can be extended by using the <+> operator. When <+> is present, the first prefix literal and/or the last suffix literal is not output.


(|; |+v1), /* prefix-literal */ (v1+|; |), /* suffix-literal */

Notes: Prefix and suffix-literals can be used together, including with <+> operator. If a prefix or suffix-literal is used with <+> outside a repeatable group, literal contents may not be output as desired. If field is not repeatable, literal output occurs for the first and only occurrence of data field.


(|; |+v1^s,|,|v1^n*0.1|.|),
(v10|: |, ,v11,| - |v12),

See also:

“string” [conditional literal] ‘string’ [unconditional literal] (format) [repeatable group] v [field selector]

(format) - repeatable group

Suporte: Standard



Definição: Applies the format between the parenthesis to all occurrences of repeatable field(s) individually, or only once, if no repeatable field is present.

Repeatable groups cannot be nested.


(|;  |+v2^s/),
(if  iocc<=3  then  f(iocc,1,0),|  -  |v3/ else  '-> more than  3'/,  fi),

Veja também:

** string ** [repeatable conditional literal]

v [field selector]

/ - conditional newline

Support: Standard



Definition: Begins a new line if not at the beginning of a line.


Several conditional newline commands (,/,/,/,/,) have the same effect of a single one.



See also:

# [unconditional newline] % [reset blank line]

/*string*/ - comment

Suporte: CISIS Sintaxe:

/* <comment> */

Definition: Encapsulates a comment.

Notes: Comments can span over several lines.


/* this is a single line comment */,
/* this comment begins here and ends here */,
if a(v10) /*and p(v20) */ then v20/ fi,

@ - include format file

Suporte: CISIS



Definition: Includes a format specification stored in a file in the current format.

Notes: <filename> may include drive and path information. Syntax of commands from the included file is evaluated when current format is executed. It is mandatory to separate <filename> with commas.


if v1='L' then @large.pft, fi,


a(field selector) - absence check

Suporte: Standard

Function type: Boolean


a(<field  selector>)

Definition: Returns TRUE if data field is absent, otherwise returns FALSE.

Notes: All components of field selector may be used, except indent.


 if  a(v12) then  v13  else  v12, fi,
if  a(v20^b) and  p(v30) then  v40/,  fi,

Veja também:

p function

v [field selector]


break - conditional branching/quitting

Suporte: CISIS




Breaks the execution of a repeatable group format. When outside a repeatable group, quits the execution of the current format.

Notes: The execution resumes after the end of the repeatable group. When used inside a ref function, execution continues with the format after the function.


(if  iocc  >  10  then '10+  occurrences'/,**break** else  v5^n|-|,v5^s,/,  fi,),

Veja também: (format) [repeatable group]


c - column

Suporte: Standard



Definition: Skips to the specified column in the current or next line.


'Name:  ',c10,v1^n/,
if  p(v1^s)  then  c10,v1^s/,  fi,

Veja também:

x [spacing]

cat(file) - dump file

Suporte: CISIS

Function type: String



Definition: Outputs the contents of a file whose name is generated by <format>. Used for display file.


cat('current  document'/,  ,if  v10='c'  then  'firstdoc.txt'  else  'default.doc'  fi),

Veja também:


continue - repeatable conditional branching

Support: CISIS

Syntax: continue

Definition: Executes the next occurrence of a repeatable group if at least one data field has a subsequent occurrence.



(if  iocc  =  1  then  **continue** else  v10/  fi),
2  (f(iocc,1,0),'=',v70,continue/),

See also: (format) [repeatable group]


d - dummy field selector

Suporte: Standard


d<field tag><subfield>

Definition: Outputs the conditional literal prefix if a data field or subfield exists. Used in conjunction with conditional literals.

Notes: Dummy field (selector) does not return a value.

Known bugs: When in a repeatable group, <subfield> is evaluated only for the first occurrence of data field.


"this  text  outputs  if  data  field  10 exists"**d**10,
Name:  "v20(5,5)/,  ,"Name:  "n20,v21(5,5)/,

Veja também: “string” [conditional literal] n [not present] v [field selector]

date date(keyword) - current date

Suporte: CISIS Function type: String



Outputs  current  system  date.  Used  without  parameters,  returns:

```yyyymmdd  hhmmss  w  nnn```

- mm  = month
- dd  =  day
- mm  =  minute
- ss  =  second
- nnn  =  number of  elapsed  days  from Jan  1st.


keywords  **DATETIME** and  **DATEONLY**


**DATETIME** shows  system  date  in  european  format  plus  current  time  ***(dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss)*** while **DATEONLY** displays the same output  without  time  information.


‘Today is ‘,date,

‘Current date: ‘,date(DATEONLY)/, ,’Current time: ‘,mid(date(DATETIME),10,8)/,


# F
## f(num expr,length,decimals) - format value

**Suporte:**  Standard

**Function type:** String



Converts a numeric value to string. `<format>` is the numeric expression to be converted. `<expr-1>` and `<expr-2>` are optional and determine the minimum output length and the number of decimal places respectively.

If `<format>` is not a valid numeric expression, an error is issued. If `<expr-2>` is set, `<expr-1>` must also be placed or a syntax error is issued. If only `<expr-1>` is defined, the result is output in scientific exponent notation. If the number of characters required to represent `<format>` is greater than `<expr-1>`, additional positions are provided automatically. If `<expr-1>` is missing, a width of 16 characters is assumed.





**See also:**
**val** function


# G
## getenv(expression) - get  environment  variable

**Suporte:**  CISIS

**Function type:** String



Returns the value of an environment variable.

If `<format>` does not generate a valid environment variable name, no value is returned.


‘Current path: ‘,getenv(‘PATH’),


**See also:**
**putenv** function


# I
## if … then … else … fi - conditional  flow  control

**Suporte:**  Standard


if then [else ] fi

Executes a block of formatting language specifications (`<format-1>`) if `<bool expr>` evaluates to TRUE. Allows the execution of another block of formatting language specifications (`<format-2>`) by using the clause else when `<bool expr>` evaluates to FALSE.

Clause then precedes the first block of formatting language specifications. else is optional and if present in the code, must be followed by a format. The fi clause must always end the command scope and if missing, a syntax error is issued. The if…fi command can span over several lines, therefore it is recommended the use of indentation.


,ifinstr(v5,’ab’)>0 then ,v5/, fi,

,if p(v10) then ,|Title: |v3, else ,|Alternate title: |v4, ,fi,


## instr(string1,string2) - find  string
**Suporte:**  CISIS

**Function type:** Numeric



Returns a number specifying the starting position of the string generated by `<format-2>`, found in string settled by `<format-1>`. If there is no match, return value is zero.

Both `<format-1>` and `<format-2>` must generate strings, otherwise a syntax error occurs. The use of s function may help in cases where a complex string is required as parameter.


if instr(v5,’ab’)>0 then v5/, fi,

if instr(s(|’|v1|’|),v5)>0 then v1, fi,



## iocc - occurrence  index
**Suporte:**  CISIS

**Function type:** Numeric

**Sintaxe:**  iocc

Returns the occurrence index number (starting from 1), otherwise returns zero.


(“Author: “v1/, ,if iocc > 3 then ‘et all’,break, fi),


**See also:**
**nocc** function


# L
## l(key) l([inverted file],key) - key  lookup

**Suporte:**  Standard/CISIS

**Function type:** Numeric




Returns the MFN of the first posting (if any) by using the key generated by `<format key>` to search the current inverted file. It can also seek in a specific inverted file defined by `<format ifname>`.

Keys are converted to upper case before the expression is seek. Default display mode used by lookup is mpl. If a different mode is specified in the FST file, key must also use the appropriate mode. If key is not found, function returns zero. The `<format ifname>` parameter must evaluate to a string having a valid inverted file name, otherwise a syntax error is issued. This is often used in conjunction with ref function to allow output of data fields from a different record.


if l(v15)<> 0 then |Term: |v15, fi,


**See also:**
**ref** function


## left(string,length) - left  substring

**Suporte:**  CISIS

**Function type:** String



Returns a new string, containing the leftmost characters from of the original string generated by `<format-1>`. `<format-2>` specifies the actual number of characters to be read from `<format-1>` starting from left to right.

If the string generated by `<format-2>` is greater than the size defined by `<format-1>`, function returns the `<format-1>` string. If `<format-2>` is zero or is set to a negative number, returns a NULL string.


if left(v1^n,2)=’Ma’ then v1^n/, fi,


**See also:**
**right** function
**mid** function


## lw(number) - set  line  width

**Suporte:**  CISIS

**Function type:** Numeric



Sets the output line width to <int> characters.

Output line width default depends on the application program


if size(v10) > 76 then lw(254), fi,



# M

## mdl, mdu, mhl, mhu, mpl, mpu - mode

**Suporte:**  Standard



Sets a new displaying mode for the current output.

Default mode is mpl. `<mode>` represents the desired mode to be set. `<conv>` specifies whether upper case conversion is set. Mode may appear several times in a format and its formatting effect is active until a new mode is set.

`<mode>` can be as follows:
- p = proof: fields are displayed as they are stored in records.
- h = heading: control characters and descriptor delimiters are ignored, except subfield descriptor, which are translated to punctuation.
- d = data: similar to heading mode, appends a full stop at the end of data fields, followed by two spaces.
`<conv>` can be as follows:
- u: converts data to upper case
- l: leaves data unchanged


mpl,”First author: “v10[1]/,

mpu,”Second author: “v10[2]/,

mdl,”Third author: “v10[3]/,


## mfn mfn(length) - record number

**Suporte:**  Standard

**Function type:** String or numeric




Returns the master file number of a record.

An integer value can be passed as parameter to set the return value size. mfn returns the appropriate return type according to the format requirements.


‘Record: ‘,mfn(3)/,

if mfn > 2 then mfn/, fi,


**See also:**
**ref** function
**l** function


## mid(string, start, length) - substring

**Suporte:**  CISIS

**Function type:** String



Returns a new string, containing a specified number of characters from the original string (`<format-1>`). `<format-3>` gives the actual number of characters to be read from `<format-1>` and `<format-2>` gives the start position in string where extraction begins.

If `<format-2>` is greater than `<format-1>` size, function returns a `NULL` string. If `<format-2>` is zero or is set to a negative number, default is 1.




**See also:**
**right** function
**left** function


## mstname - master file name

**Suporte:**  CISIS

**Function type:** String



Returns the current master filename.


‘Current database: ‘,mstname/,

ref([‘names’]l([‘names’]’X39BJ’), ,’Database now is ‘,mstname/),


# N
## n - not  present  (dummy  field  selector)

**Suporte:**  Standard

`n<field tag>`

Tests the absence of a data field. Used in conjunction with conditional literals.

As a dummy (field) selector, it does not return a value.


“this text outputs if data field 10 is absent”n10,

“Author:”v10/, ,”Author: “n10,v20/,

**See also:**
**"string"** [conditional literal]
**d** [dummy field selector]
**v** [field selector]


## newline(string) - set  newline

**Suporte:**  CISIS

**Function type:** String


Sets and/or resets default CR/LF pair with character(s) from resulting <format>.

`<format>` may even contain reserved escape sequences such as:
`\r` - carriage return
`\n` - line feed
Subsequent `\` commands will be automatically replaced by resulting format until a newline sets a new character or string.


newline(if v151=’unix’ then ‘\n’ else ‘\r\n’ fi,



**See also:**
**/** [conditional newline]
**#** [unconditional newline]


## nocc(field) - number  of  occurrences

**Suporte:**  CISIS
**Function type:** Numeric



Returns the number of occurrences of a data field or subfield defined by <field selector>.


`<field selector>` means only field and subfield in this function scope. All other field selector components, if used, issue a syntax error.


if nocc(v3)> 10 then ‘Too many occurrences.’/, fi,

‘There are ‘,f(nocc(v20),2,0),’ authors.’/,

**See also:**
**iocc** function
**v** [field selector]


## npost(key) npost([inverted file],key)

**Suporte:**  CISIS

**Function type:** Numeric




Returns the total postings for a key (given by `<format key>`) in an inverted file. `<format>` if defined, must generate a string containing the inverted file name. `<format key>` settles the key to be searched in the inverted file.


if npost(v1)> 1 then ‘duplicate key ‘,v1,’ found’/, fi,

‘There are ‘,f(npost(v20),3,0),’keys for ‘,v20,’. ‘/,

**See also:**
**l** function


# P
## p(field selector) - presence  check

**Suporte:**  Standard

**Function type:** Boolean



Returns TRUE if data field is present, otherwise returns FALSE.

All field selector components can be used, except indent.


if p(v12) then v12 else v13, fi,

if p(v50^a) and p(v50^b) then v50^a/,v50^b/, fi,

**See also:**
**a** function
**v** [field selector]


## proc(field update format) - field  update

**Suporte:**  CISIS
**Function type:** String



Appends or replaces data fields in the current record. `<fldupd format>` is a format that generates the field update specific commands to be executed by the function.

A CISIS field update specification is a string of d (delete) and a(add) and h (add) commands to be applied in the current record. All d (delete) commands must preceed the add commands.

**The following commands are available:**
`d*` - deletes all present fields
`d<field tag>` - deletes all occurrences of `<field tag>`
`d<field tag>/<occ>` - deletes occurrence `<occ>` of `<field tag>`
`a<field tag>#<string>#` - adds `<string>` as a new occurrence of `<field tag>`
`h<field tag> <n> <string>` - adds `<string>`, `<n>` bytes long, as a new occurrence of `<field tag>`
The `#` delimiter may be any non-numeric character.
A space must be provided between the `<field tag>`,  `<n>` and `<string>` parameters of the h command.



proc(if v240.4 = ‘Tech’ then ‘d’, fi),


## putenv(expression) - environment  variable  set

**Suporte:**  CISIS

**Function type:** String



Sets an environment variable at the operating system level with its corresponding value.

The variable is available only within the scope of current process.



set CIPAR=somefile set mx null “pft=putenv(‘CIPAR=another’),getenv(‘CIPAR’)/” set

**See also:**
**getenv** function


# R
## ravr(string) - average  value  of  expression

**Suporte:**  Standard

**Function  type:** Numeric



Returns  the  average  value  of a  given  format.  `<format>`  must  generate  a  string  expression.

Can  be  used  to  compute  the  average  of  numeric  values  in  repeatable  fields.





if ravr(v20|;|)>=5 then ‘pass’/ else ‘fail’/, fi,

**Veja também:** 
**rmin** function
**rmax** function
**rsum** function


## record number

## ref(mfn, format) ref([master file]mfn, format) - record  reference  link
**Suporte:**  Standard/CISIS
**Function type:** String

`ref([<format dbname>]<expr>,<format>)`

Executes <format> with the record selected by <expr>. If <format dbname> is set, another (or the same) database can be referenced and a different record is selected.

<expr> can be any format returning the MFN of a record. l function can be used to perform a seek and return the MFN.


if ref([‘account’]l([‘user’]v2),v4)=’active’ then |Name: |v10/, fi,

(if p(v99) then ref([v99]1,v30/), fi),

**See also:**
**l** function


## replace(string1, string2, string3) - replace

**Suporte:**  CISIS
**Function type:** String


replace(,, <format3)

Returns a new string, after replacing `<format-2>` with `<format-3>`.

If `<format-2>` is a null string or is not found in `<format-1>`), function returns `<format-1>` string.
If `<format-3>` is null, `<format-2>` string will be excluded from `<format-1>`.
replace is case sensitive for both search string (`<format-2>`) and replace string (`<format-3>`).


replace(‘Mary And John’,’And’,’and’)/,

if replace(v1^a,’01x’,’01X’)= ‘894501X’ then v1^n/, fi,

replace(s(v304,v333),’,’,’, ‘)/,

replace(s(if v415=’spanish’ then v299 else ‘none’ fi),v1,v759)/,


## right(string, length) - right  substring

**Suporte:**  CISIS

**Function type:** String



Returns a new string, containing the rightmost characters of the original string (`<format-1>`). `<format-2>` gives the actual number of characters to be read from `<format-1>` starting from right to left.

If `<format-2>` is greater than `<format-1>` size, function returns `<format-1>` string. If `<format-2>` is zero or is set to a negative number, returns nothing.

***Exemplos:** *

if right(v1^n,1) = ‘r’ then v1^n/, fi,


para capturar a extensão de um arquivo:

rmax(string) - maximum value of expression

Suporte: Standard Function type: Numeric Sintaxe:


Definition: Returns the maximum value of a given format. <format> must generate a string expression.

Notes: Can be used to compute the maximum of numeric values in a repeatable field. Examples:

if rmax(v40|;|)>val(v41) then 'Limit of ',v41,'exceeded.'/, fi,

See also: rmin function ravr function rsum function

rmin(string) - minimum value of expression

Suporte: Standard

Function type: Numeric



Definition: Returns the minimum value of a given format. <format> must generate a string expression.

Notes: Similar to rmax function, rmin can compute the minimum of numeric values in a repeatable field.


if rmin(v80||,v90|  |,v100|  |)<  1990  then  'Wrong  decade.'/,  fi,

Veja também: rmax function ravr function rsum function

rsum(string) - sum of expression

Suporte: Standard

Function type: Numeric



Definition: Returns the sum of a given format. <format> must generate a string expression.

Notes: Similar to rmax and rmin functions, rsum computes the sum of numeric values in a repeatable field.


if rsum(v20^d)>1000  then  'Aborted.'/  else  'OK'/,  fi,

Veja também: rmax function ravr function rmin function


s(expression) - string

Suporte: Standard

Function type: String


s(<format>)[command  component]

Definition: Returns the concatenation of string expressions generated by .

Components: extraction

extraction: Extracts partial content of the resulting string. <offset int> is the first position to start extraction, while <length int> determines how many characters will be extracted. If <length int> is omitted or is greater than the resulting string, the default is the end of the resulting string.

Notes: Can be passed to functions that require a string expression as parameter.

select … case … elsecase … endsel - conditional branch control

Suporte: CISIS


	select <format expr>
case <option-1>: <format-1>
	case <option-2>: <format-2>
	case <option-n>: <format-n> [elsecase <format-0>]

Definition: Evaluates <format expr> and compares the result to each case option (<option-1>, <option-2>…<option-n>). If an option matches <format expr>, the appropriate block of formatting language specifications is executed (<format-1>, <format-2>…<format-n>), otherwise elsecaseclause (if defined) is executed (format-0).

Notes: <format expr> must generate a string or numeric value. If <format expr> evaluates to string, all option values in case clauses must be of string type, otherwise, if <format expr> is numeric, option values must be also numeric.


select s(v5)
	case '1': ,f(val(v5)/2,2,2)/,
	case '2': ,v5/,
case '3': ,v6,'-',v1/,
elsecase ,|Error in field v5 = |v5/,

select nocc(v7)
	case 0: 'absent'/,
	case 1: 'one occurrence'/,
case 2: 'two occurrences'/,
elsecase 'more than 2 occurrences'/,

See also: if … then … else .. fi

size(string) - string size

Suporte: CISIS Function type: Numeric Sintaxe:


Definition: Returns the string size.

Notes: <format> must return a string or a syntax error occurs.


if size(v10)>  76  then  lw(254),  fi,

system(expression) - system call

Support: CISIS Function type: String



Definition: Executes the argument produced by <format> as an operating system command.

Notes: <format> must generate a string containing the code to be executed. The possible output from the command is sent directly to the standard output.


if p(v2) then system('type ',v2),fi,


type(string) - string type

Suporte: CISIS

Function type: String



Definition: Returns the string type as follows:

  • A - if string contains only alphabetic characters (according to a default alphabetic character table, like ISISAC.TAB) or space
  • N - if string contains only numeric characters (0-9)
  • X - for all other cases

Notes: Format must generate a string or a syntax error is issued.


if  type(**v1**)**='N'  then  f(val(v1),3,2)/  else  v1/,  fi,
if  s(type(v1),type(v2),type(v3))<>'AAA'  then  'Invalid  character  type detected'/,  fi,


v - field selector

Suporte: Standard


v<field tag>[command components]


Outputs data field contents. Content can be selected, restricted, narrowed, extracted or indented by using command components (see below). v stands for variable length field. Components: subfield, occurence, extraction and indent

syntactic orde r:

^<subfield id> [<index>[..<upper index>]] *<offset int>.<length int>
(<first line int>,<next line int>)

subfield: Restricts the output to the contents of a subfield. If data field exists but subfield is not present, no output is generated.

occurrence: Narrows the output to one or a range of occurrences of a repeatable field. <index> and <upper index> refer to the first (or unique) and last occurrences, respectively. If the specified is greater than the actual number of occurrences, no output is generated. The same occurs if data field is not repeatable and is set to a number equal or greater than

  1. However, if <index> is set to 1 and it is used in a non-repeatable field, content is normally output. This component must be used outside a repeatable group; otherwise, <upper index> is ignored. If double dot (..) is used and <upper index> is missing LAST is assumed. The LAST keyword is set with the value of total occurrences of a data field. extraction: Extracts partial content of a data field, subfield or occurrence. <offset int> is the first position to start extraction, while <length int> determines how many characters will be extracted. If <length int> is omitted or is greater than field length, the default is the end of data field. indent: Aligns the output of data field, subfield, occurrence or extracted content, according to <first line int> (alignment for the first line) and <next line int> (alignment for successive lines). Both values are numeric constants. If current line position differs from zero, indentantion is disabled. Notes: The behavior of the field command depends on the component(s) used. No output is generated when data field is absent or when component performs a restriction or extraction that is out of data boundary.


v2/,v3^a| - |,v1/,
(|; |+v3^s)/,
v5[3..]/,/* equals to ,v5[3..LAST], */
|Title: |v1^n(5,5)/,

See also: “string” [conditional literal] d [dummy field selector] n [not present] |string| [repeatable conditional literal] (format) [repeatable group]

val(string) - string to value

Suporte: Standard

Function type: Numeric



Definition: Returns the numeric value of the argument generated by .

Notes: If <format> produces only non-numeric characters, function returns zero.

If more than one numeric value is encountered, only the first one is returned.


if val(v2)>5 then 'Error'/ else 'OK'/, fi,



x - spacing

Suporte: Standard

Sintaxe: x<int>

Definition: Inserts the number of spaces defined by <int> before the next block of formatting language specifications is output.

Notes: If <int> is greater than the available space in the current line, it skips to the next line.


'Name:  ', x5,v1^n/,

Veja também: c [column]