
This documentation is an extended version of book “The abc of ABCD: the Reference Manual - Version 2.0f” by Egbert de Smet. It contains the CISIS manuals, SECS Web and other loose topics that have been grouped together on this site.


This site aims at providing all relevant background information and instructions on how to use the integrated library and documentation management system ‘ABCD’. Both the basic operations and the advanced management of the software are discussed, as are useful and necessary topics concerning the ISIS-software on which ABCD is based. In this new edition the new features of version 2.0 are added : the use of different flavors of CISIS, of Unicode,and the digital library capabilities as well as some additional modules (ODDS, LDAP, DSpaceBridge) and utilities (UTF8-conversion, loanobjects creation…) .

Table of Contents

Central module - acquisitions management

This module deals with the administration of newly acquired objects and a pre-cataloging function. The pre- cataloged objects can, once acquired, be stored as objects for the Loans module. This is what ABCD 'integration' is about.

Central module - loans/circulation

This section is about the ABCD basic loans module as it comes pre-configured with the system. Still, always following the ABCD philosophy of flexibility, the loans system can work with any bibliographic and objects database.

Central module - statistics in ABCD

The Statistics module can be invoked from either the main Administration

About this site

This document aims at providing all relevant background information and instructions on how to use the integrated library and documentation management system 'ABCD'. Both the basic operations and the advanced management of the software are discussed, as are useful and necessary topics concerning the ISIS-software on which ABCD is based.

Central module - data-entry (cataloging)

In this section we discuss briefly the main techniques of one of the most 'central' functions of ABCD creating records in a database (in bibliographic applications mostly referred to as 'cataloging').

Central module - database managementlation

In this section we discuss briefly the main techniques of one of the most powerful functions of ABCD


Getting Started

Getting started with Docsy Jekyll

The Online Document Delivery Service (ODDS)

This service is added in version ABCD 2.0 to facilitate the organisation of a document delivery service for elec- tronic documents. The idea is that end-users, from the link on the ABCD Site (now part of the demo Site), bring in the bibliographical data they know in a form as a request formulation. The form, when submitted, becomes a record in the ODDS database which is attended by a special library officer - librarians, having often better access and knowledge about how to locate electronic documents, identify the documents, put them on a library server and send out - semi-automated - an e-mail to the requesting end-user notifying her/him of the URL of the document and the time-span to download it.

IsisScript language

IsisScript is a scripting language, developed by BIREME, in order to make stronger the functions available to the WEB ISIS server "WWWISIS" for the creation of pages with elements of ISIS databases. ISIS Script in fact was one of the main elements in the evolution from WWWISIS to "WXIS" which is the underlying web server for ABCD.

CISIS Formatting Language

If Standard, means that command/function has the same usage/result both in ISIS and CISIS. If CISIS is specified, means that it is available only in CISIS. Functions that are enhanced in CISIS, are presented with Standard/CISIS notation. (item always present)

CISIS Utilities

iAH is the basic and traditional OPAC of the ABCD.

ABCD technology

This topic talks about the technologies used to develop ABCD.

ABCD Localisation

This section deals with the techniques and steps needed in order to create a 'localised' version of ABCD.

01 Introduction - background information

General introduction to ABCD as a software suite

ABCD Unicode

As from ABCD v2.0 both the software-interface as the data can work with non-Latin alphabet characters, based on the 'UTF8' standard of the Unicode-technology.

Central utilities

The Central module, being the 'administration' module of ABCD, has a menu 'utilities' which is probably the most dynamic part of the system. More and more utilities have been and keep being added as needs or possible uses arise.


ABCD Opac allows up to 3 levels of search - Metasearch, Search on a specific database, Search on a subset of records in a database

ABCD Thesaurus

In ABCD a thesaurus can be used as a 'guided authority' list of terms at two different stages - while assigning descriptors during data-entry and while defining keywords for searching in a database.

ABCD installation

Available installation versions

Basic OPAC iAH

iAH is the basic and traditional OPAC of the ABCD.


ABCD-Site administration

ABCD Modules

This chapter deals with the main functions [!!] of the 'Central' module of the ABCD system.

The ABCD OAI interface

This section will present the ABCD OAI interface, which is an implementation of BIREME's 'ISIS-OAI- PROVIDER', a general tool for providing access to ISIS databases through the OAI-PMH protocol.

Digital library features in ABCD

In this section we discuss some features and techniques to create and use digital libraries as 'full-text' databases in ABCD.


See how to collaborate with ABCD

ABCD Serials Control

The purpose of this chapter is to deliver technical information for the operation and maintenance of the SeCS-Web application. The application is used for the registration of any kind of periodicals or serials and their library holdings.



Tags Index

For features, getting started with development, see the Getting Started page. Would you like to request a feature or contribute? Open an issue